Our Hearts and Minds

May 17, 2019 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Waldorf School of Lexington
739 Mass Ave. Lexington
Andrew Linnell
Our Hearts and Minds @ Waldorf School of Lexington

Our Hearts and Minds:  Reclaiming the Soul of Science and Medicine

With author Walter Alexander

“Walter’s history as a medical journalist prepared him to be a fun and an engaging speaker, full of authentic stories that poignantly reveal the abyss we’ve fallen into.” 

Waldorf School of Lexington, 739 Mass Ave. Lexington

Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in Greater Boston       https://www.anthroposophyboston.org/

Friday, May 17, 7:30 – 9 pm

$15 suggested (students $5, seniors $10) or any donation appreciated     

Our scientific-medical-economic culture is stalled at a series of impasses. Medical research is funneled toward blockbuster drugs often with marginal benefits at astronomical costs. Patients and doctors burn out in 6-minute visits. Orthodox biology and neuroscience are stuck in machine-models, and consciousness is seen as an irrelevant artifact. Those who attempt to attribute purpose or meaning to existence are attacked and often punished. How did we get here? Is there a way out?

Hearts and Minds (reclaiming the soul of science and medicine) shows how the human element, despite mighty attempts to expunge it from scientific/medical understanding, is elbowing its way back into the picture through discoveries in, medicine, biology, and quantum physics– and through new philosophical/spiritual understanding.

In this lecture, Hearts and Minds author Walter Alexander describes the roads leading past our present roadblocks to a science and medicine that are both rigorous and humanly inclusive.

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